The Mayor's Office of Emergency Management is working closely with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency and the National Weather Service to monitor and prepare for Hurricane Sandy and the potential for severe weather this weekend.
At this point, most forecast models predict heavy rain for our area beginning Sunday night and continuing through Monday. If the storm stays within current projections, it is possible that we could experience fallen trees, minor flooding, and power outages.
Regardless of the eventual path of the storm, there are things that families and business can do now to be prepared for a severe weather event. You should be ready to manage the most common crises affecting our region – weather-related power and water outages – if you have certain basic supplies. Buy these three essentials first:
City residents are also encouraged to clear any debris from your neighborhood storm drains to ensure proper drainage during heavy rain. To protect your food during a power outage, keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible. Food will stay frozen for 36 hours or more in a fully-loaded freezer if you keep the door closed. Consider freezing containers of water ahead of time. The blocks of ice will help keep your food frozen longer.
For more information on preparedness, click the following link:http://emergency.baltimorecity.gov/Preparedness.aspx
For forecast models and storm tracking, click on this link: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
Citizens are reminded they can also call 311 for the latest information about the city’s preparations during weather events.