Mayor Orders The Office Of Emergency Management To Monitor And Prepare For Impacts From Hurricane Irene

Monday Aug 1st, 2011

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management to closely monitor Hurricane Irene and begin working with City agencies to develop response plans. The Mayor has ordered the City’s primary Emergency Operations Center to open at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, August 26, 2011. The Mayor urged residents to prepare for a possible hurricane as well. All residents should be prepared by having on hand a 3-day supply of water, battery operated AM/FM radio, and a flashlight.

“As we have learned from previous hurricanes, just because we are not in the eye of the storm does not mean we are free from danger,” said Mayor Rawlings-Blake. “High winds, rain, and a storm surge can cause flooding and downed power lines. It is absolutely vital that we prepare for whatever Mother Nature throws our way.”

Hurricanes and severe storms like Irene have hit Maryland in the past, and preparing now will help keep Baltimore safer. This year, NOAA Forecasters predicted having 12 to 18 named storms, of which six to ten could become hurricanes, including three to six major hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5; winds of 111 mph or higher). This is the first hurricane of the season to threaten the United States. This is a massive storm and its projected path has changed multiple times.

Citizens can be more prepared by:

  • Having an emergency preparedness kit.
  • Staying tuned to local TV and Radio Stations and listening for instructions.
  • Having a personal or family plan to shelter-in-place or evacuate.
  • Battening down any loose items and securing property as best as possible during heavy winds.
  • Clearing outdoor storm drains near their property to prevent flooding during heavy rains.
  • Dialing (877) 778-2222 to report power outages.

Citizens are reminded they can also call 311 for the latest information about the City’s preparations during weather events.

Learn more about how to be prepared at

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